This project aims to put online the cultural institutions and sites of interest which are part of the Umbrian Regional Museum Network while also highlighting the currently emerging natural and environmental issues  relevant to the north-eastern areas of the Region. The primary intention is to increase awareness both of the museums themselves and of the natural landscape of the territory, but also to underline, strengthen and enhance the organic links which exist between the various museums in the area, between the museums and their surrounding districts and, also, between the different local communities, whose historical memories and identity are further strengthened by the sharing of knowledge about them. The underlying philosophy of the project envisages an active role for museums in safeguarding the territory’s heritage and facilitating the informed enjoyment of its treasures, whether by residents in the local communities or temporary visitors.


Notte Santa in Pinacoteca

2 December 2021|

Terza edizione della Notte Santa in Pinacoteca. Venerdì 10 dicembre dalle ore 10 alle ore 12. Laboratori creativi tra immagini e parole con tema "Natale e Fratellanza". Con la partecipazione dell'Istituto Omnicomprensivo dante Alighieri di [...]


This project envisages the promotion of transversal or thematic itineraries centred both on the collections of individual museums and the cultural and natural heritage of their surrounding territory. The itineraries  are intended to highlight the peculiar nature of the cultural and environmental problems currently emerging but within an overall unifying framework. In this perspective, each specific aspect, each particular focal point, is relevant to and plays its part in promoting the territory as a whole and its historical and artistic heritage in its entirety, thus creating a complete picture in which, however, specificity and identity are also centre stage.


This project envisages the promotion of transversal or thematic itineraries centred both on the collections of individual museums and the cultural and natural heritage of their surrounding territory. The itineraries  are intended to highlight the peculiar nature of the cultural and environmental problems currently emerging but within an overall unifying framework. In this perspective, each specific aspect, each particular focal point, is relevant to and plays its part in promoting the territory as a whole and its historical and artistic heritage in its entirety, thus creating a complete picture in which, however, specificity and identity are also centre stage.


There are a variety of teaching materials, which can be used either in the exhibition halls of the Museum or remotely, pertaining to the collections or to study themes of interest to the territory’s schoolchildren, thus offering them the opportunity to widen their knowledge of the territory’s history as part of their school syllabuses. In this way the historical, artistic, anthropological and natural aspects of the territory make up a veritable text-book in which the focal points on the web site, the individual museums and the itineraries proposed  constitute the various pages and chapters that can be browsed through.


There are a variety of teaching materials, which can be used either in the exhibition halls of the Museum or remotely, pertaining to the collections or to study themes of interest to the territory’s schoolchildren, thus offering them the opportunity to widen their knowledge of the territory’s history as part of their school syllabuses. In this way the historical, artistic, anthropological and natural aspects of the territory make up a veritable text-book in which the focal points on the web site, the individual museums and the itineraries proposed  constitute the various pages and chapters that can be browsed through.


The available material can be used either directly or remotely, and is intended for use both by people living outside of town, and by visitors who want to extend their knowledge of particular and significant aspects of the Museum collections, or indeed to learn about the cultural and natural heritage of the regional heartland as revealed in its tourist routes and itineraries.


The available material can be used either directly or remotely, and is intended for use both by people living outside of town, and by visitors who want to extend their knowledge of particular and significant aspects of the Museum collections, or indeed to learn about the cultural and natural heritage of the regional heartland as revealed in its tourist routes and itineraries.


The collection of videos from the Umbria – Nord-Est Passage YouTube channel. From the splendid views of the cities that are part of the network to the educational workshops held in the museums.